We believe everyone has a story.

No matter where you are in yours, we believe it has purpose.

A lot of stories come with chains. These chains are unnecessary attachments to behaviors causing pain and brokenness. There comes a time in many stories where consequences for such behaviors cause bondage to the point where help is greatly needed. This is where we come in. We at Chainbreakers want to see your story restored through the redeeming power of Jesus, in a loving community filled with grace…

  • Break chains.

  • Restore hope and purpose to the broken.

  • Redeem stories through the power of Jesus, grown through loving relationships in community.

  • 1) We will not judge or shame anyone’s story.

    2) We will embrace the mess and love the messenger.

    3) We believe everyone has a story and it matters.

    4) We believe the love of Christ conquers everything.

Cynthia and Don Weld

Chainbreakers was born out of a need to provide faith-based support for men coming out of incarceration and transitional housing. What started as a small discussion group, led by Chainbreakers founder, Don Weld, grew and grew to a community of both men and women with diverse backgrounds. Captivated by the saving grace of Jesus Christ and energized by the accountability of weekly meetings, Chainbreakers continues to grow and impact many lives. “The fields are ready for harvest!”, says Don, who has been told countless number of times by CB faithfuls, “you saved my life”. Don will be the first to admit that it wasn’t he who did the saving, it was God, working through him and the CB family.