It’s simple.

We want to hear your story. We need to hear your story. The real one.

Not only do we want to hear it, you need to tell it. And don’t worry, we’ll help you find it if it’s lost. There is so much power in processing what is found as your story unfolds. This is how the chains are broken and freedom is found.

As powerful as chains, bondages, and addictions can be, we stand firm that there is an ultimate story of one who came to save us from these toxic situations. It’s the story of a Savior. A Redeemer. The Personification of Love. His name is Jesus. He is THE Chain Breaker. Through Him, you are no longer defined by your addictions or guilt or abuse. Through Him, there is forgiveness and love to be found.

At Chainbreakers, you are never alone. We will walk beside you every step of the way. It will at times be uncomfortable, but that’s okay… we’ve been there, too. We are in it for the long haul. Let us help you begin to write the new chapters of your story. As those new chapters are written, a whole new story begins to emerge; one of restoration, one of redemption, and one where a love you may not even believe existed bursts forth.

While Chainbreakers’ cornerstone event is our weekly meeting, there are many other opportunities to rub shoulders with your CB family! Get connected with a CB mentor, join us on Sunday mornings at Oak Grove Church in Golden Valley, and keep an eye out for special events. We really hope to see you soon.