“Shortly after surrendering my life to Jesus I was lead to Chainbreakers. I found a brotherhood and community that represents the biblical body of Christ. I feel encouraged as I watch others grow, as I also grow in my faith. It’s been awesome doing real life with other believers that are brought together for a common cause!!!”


“Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. And God’s Spirit is only with those purchased by the blood of His dear Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Chainbreakers for me is a real place to connect with real people going through real transformation from what they were, to become more like Jesus. I love being there every week and being a part of that thing God is doing in each of us. I love Don and Cynthia’s hearts to see whole-life transformation take place by the power of God alone. What a refreshing place to spend a few hours every Thursday evening! Thank you God! Thank you Don and Cynthia! We love you!”


“Chainbreakers has been a huge part of mine and my husband’s lives. They have helped us through some very hard times and have become our family. No matter where you have been or where you are, Chainbreakers will be by your side. We are truly blessed that God has put them in our lives.”

-Ashley Crowe

“Chainbreakers has propelled me in my faith and has given me the confidence to finally pursue a relationship with community and serve as God intended for me. It’s an amazing group of people who genuinely care for each other.”

-David Scheetz

“Chainbreakers has been my extended family. The community has deeply impacted my marriage, my fatherhood, and my faith. It’s authentic and gracious.”

-Jake Velner

“Chainbreakers is an indispensable part of my walk with Christ. My brothers and sisters here are my second family. They have walked with me through some hard times. I can honestly say if I had not found Chainbreakers I never would have made it out of a heroin addiction. Now they are walking with me and my wife pushing us to keep growing in our relationships with Jesus.”

-Jeremy Crowe