When did Chainbreakers begin?

Chainbreakers began in 2016 under the leadership of Don Weld and his wife, Cynthia.

Does Chainbreakers only meet once a week?

While Chainbreakers’ cornerstone event is our weekly meeting, there are many other opportunities to rub shoulders with your CB family! Get connected with a CB mentor, join us Sunday mornings at Oak Grove Church in Golden Valley, and keep an eye out for special events.

What can I expect at the weekly meeting?

Friendly, relatable, and welcoming people. Announcements and updates. Songs of worship. Stories of hope from your CB family. A challenging, relatable message.

Is there childcare at weekly meetings?

Yes! Please send us a message, noting your interest/need of childcare, and we will be in touch with more information!

What if I can’t make it to a weekly meeting?

While we really do find great value in face-to-face meetings, we’d love for you to also join us online! Check out our YouTube Channel to watch via livestream or view messages from previous weeks.

Who comes to Chainbreakers?

Our weekly meetings are attended by a wide variety of people! Men and women of all ages and all backgrounds walk through our doors. Whether you are seeking freedom from addiction, needing accountability during recovery, wondering how you can support someone in your life, or looking for an alternative to the stereotypical Sunday morning “church” experience, you are welcomed at Chainbreakers!

Is Chainbreakers associated with a church?

Chainbreakers is supported by Oak Grove Church in Golden Valley, MN.

Have an unanswered question?

Please contact us; we’d love to provide you with an answer!